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Toriñuelo Dolmen

In search of the lost dolmen

Open map Jerez de los Caballeros (Badajoz), España

In search of the lost dolmen

The Toriñuelo Dolmen is a funerary corridor construction. It is found as it was thousands of years ago, under a mound of earth, today inside the estate of "La Granja". The small mound, covered by grass, has a diameter of approximately 70 meters and was originally perimetered by a ring of stone blocks that has now disappeared.


It has a long corridor about 25 meters long and 1.42 meters high, which goes into the mound to the burial chamber. It is possible that it was decorated with paintings and engravings of which are preserved, barely perceptible, some on the orthostats that make up the walls of the chamber.

Important for your visit

How to get there: Take the EX-112 towards Jerez de los Caballeros and next to it, there is a dirt road at the height of the Granja del Toriñuelo Castle. A little further on is the dolmen.
Available all year round.