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Jerte Valley Cherry

Is it the best cherry in Spain or is it a myth? what is the Picota cherry? is it worth eating fresh from the tree? where can you buy cherries?

A touristic vision for lovers of good cherries

The cherry is not only the livelihood of the Jerte Valley, it is also the passion of its inhabitants. Therefore, it is very important that when you visit the valley you do not compare the Jerte cherry with any other. You will face a fierce defense of the product of this land.
But is it really that good? It's the same as asking if the best acorn-fed ham comes from Extremadura. There is only one possible answer, of course it does. Obviously there are many varieties (but really many), and you should keep in mind that not always the biggest or most intensely colored fruit is the best tasting cherry. And that is why it is important that you know what a "Picota" is.

Picota cherry

The Jerte Valley cherry is known as Picota, but this is not true. The Picota is a very specific variety of cherry. If you are not a native of the Valley, it is not easy to distinguish it. The Picota is originally the "Ambrunés" type, a strong cherry (it has more endurance than other varieties, that is why it does NOT have a tail, this is a distinctive feature), it is dark and not necessarily large. This variety is probably the best tasting and one of the most valued. Remember, size is not everything.


In general, the Valley cherry is really good and very sweet. But you will find varieties that will deceive your eyes and their flavor will have a certain bitterness. If you are a lover of good cherries, stop by the valley, there are activities where you can learn to distinguish them.

cherry type cherry

When is the cherry harvest and how long does it last?

The first thing you should know is that the harvesting season is called "Cerecera".
When the cherry blossom begins to fall, the fruit grows and ripens. The time of harvest can vary depending on the temperatures (the highest quality cherries are harvested earlier, if the cold weather is maintained for a long time the "Cerecera" will be delayed). The earliest cherries can be seen from the end of April (the fruits that are at the bottom of the valley ripen earlier, the so-called "early cherries"). The last cherries will be harvested in July and will be picked from the farms that are located in the highest part of the mountain.

Eat the cherry directly from the tree.

There are fruits that are just as good when eaten freshly picked or several days or weeks after harvesting. In fact, some fruits need a ripening period after being harvested to reach their true flavor (such as bananas). Well, this is not the case with cherries. If you eat it the same day it is picked from the tree, you will notice a noticeable difference to eating it, for example, four days later. The fruit is picked just at its optimum degree of ripeness, so the flavor is more intense and pleasant, the fruit is clean and healthy, and this is noticeable when you eat it.


For this reason many tourists take advantage of their visit to buy a few boxes of cherries or to do some tourist activity related to the harvest. To take a cherry to the mouth, freshly picked, is a great experience.

ripe red cherries hanging on the tree
cherry tree grove during harvesting in the Jerte Valley

What you should keep in mind.

Never eat cherries picked directly from the tree without first washing them with water. Like other agricultural products, cherries are treated with pesticides to prevent pests from spoiling the fruit and the cherries themselves may be impregnated with pesticides. Washing them with water is a good practice (even if you bought them at the supermarket).
When you travel through the Jerte valley and see a multitude of cherry trees with beautiful cherries that are at your fingertips. Please do not pick them without permission. These productions belong, for the most part, to small farmers whose livelihood depends on their harvest. For many it is a great loss. Keep in mind.
During the cerecera season (this is the name given to the harvesting season) the Jerte valley is practically paralyzed by this intense activity. However, the community itself or the municipalities of the valley are organizing more and more recreational activities aimed at raising awareness and allowing the enjoyment of everything that surrounds this fruit and its collection. On this website we will try to keep you informed of everything that is organized.

Buy cherries in the Jerte Valley.

We are preparing for you a list with a series of suppliers with whom you can contact and buy cherries directly from the product, without intermediaries. They will send the cherries to your home by courier and you will be able to enjoy them a few hours after being harvested.
You will receive them shortly. Of course, we will be glad to receive opinions of the experience and seriousness of any of them.