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Los Barruecos

Natural Monument, historical heritage and a place of worship for GOT fans.

Open map Malpartida de Cáceres (Cáceres), España

Natural Monument, historical heritage and a place of worship for GOT fans.

Los Barruecos is a Natural Monument located in Malpartida de Cáceres, in the penillanura Cacereña. This place was declared a Natural Monument in 1996 and has been recognized as the Best Corner of Spain in 2015 by the Repsol Guide. In addition, Los Barruecos gained international fame as one of the scenes of the series "Game of Thrones".
The landscape of Los Barruecos is remarkable for its granitic rock formations, which have been sculpted by erosion over the years, creating one of the most impressive granitic landscapes in Spain. The fauna of the site includes numerous colonies of white storks, which nest on top of the rocks, and a variety of waterfowl that inhabit the ponds in the area1.
In addition to its natural beauty, Los Barruecos is home to a rich archaeological heritage with vestiges spanning various stages of prehistory, including a set of cave paintings and engravings of great importance in Extremadura. There are also remains from Roman times and historical structures such as an old 18th century wool wash house and flour mills1.
The German artist Wolf Vostell found inspiration in this environment and established the Vostell Malpartida Museum, where you can enjoy avant-garde works of art in harmony with nature. The museum also offers a glimpse into the traditions of the region through the Centro de Interpretación de las Vías Pecuarias and the history of the wool laundry of Los Barruecos1.
For those interested in visiting, Los Barruecos has an Interpretation Center that offers information on the geology, flora, fauna and human occupation of the area. In addition, there are trails to explore and enjoy the beauty and history of the area2.

The Battle of the Dragon

The Battle of the Dragon in Los Barruecos was one of the most shocking moments of the seventh season of Game of Thrones. This epic confrontation was filmed on the shores of the Charca del Barrueco de Arriba, a place that, although in the series looked a little darker due to the drama of the moment, will hypnotize you with its intense blue water.



After Jaime Lannister, Bronn and the Tarlys sacked Altojardín in episode 3 of season 7 (filmed at Almodóvar del Río Castle in Córdoba), they were returning to King's Landing with the loot.
However, they were attacked by the Dothraki and Daenerys Targaryen, mounted on Drogon.


Filming Scene:

The battle sequence was filmed next to one of the ponds of the Barrueco de Arriba, which represented Blackwater.
In the background of the scene, the Peña del Miradero, a large granite rock of Los Barruecos, can be seen.


Development of the Battle:

The horde of Dothraki on horseback and Drogon in the air attack the Lannister and Tarly troops, burning them mercilessly.
Specialists were used and set on fire to obtain more realism.
In one of Drogon's attacks, the pond of the Barrueco de Arriba appears when the dragon flies over the waters digitally.



Crucial Moment:

The sequence culminates when Jaime Lannister, attempting to attack Daenerys, is rescued from Drogon's fire by Bronn, both falling into the waters of Blackwater.


Screen Time:

These thrilling 24 minutes of the Battle of the Dragon were aired between the 4th and 5th episode of Season 72.

In short, Los Barruecos is not only an impressive Natural Monument, but also an iconic place where one of the most memorable battles of Game of Thrones was fought. If you are a fan of the series, reliving these scenes in this unique environment is an unforgettable experience.