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Meander Melero

Few times you can be as surprised with a natural accident as with the meander Melero. The views from the viewpoint are incredible.

Open map Caminomorisco (Cáceres), España

One of the best known natural landscapes of Extremadura, which is located in Castilla y León (curious, isn't it?).

It is not the same to see it live, from the viewpoint, as it is to see photographs. I assure you, it is not the same. You will probably think that it is nothing more than a meander and, believe me, when you get to the viewpoint and contemplate, from the top, the landscape offered by this wonderful natural feature, you will change your mind.
Remember that you can go by car to the viewpoint, but my advice is to leave the car a little earlier and walk at least the last stretch. It is a very easy cement track that will allow you to fill your lungs with clean mountain air.

The Antigua lookout point

It is curious, but the viewpoint of the meander is in Extremadura and the meander itself is in the community of Casitilla y León. The Alagón river serves as a natural border between the two communities. Therefore, the viewpoint belongs to Extremadura and, by the way, it is very well prepared. On arrival there is a small area where you can park and a covered area from where you can contemplate the landscape. And if you want you can go down a few meters to a balcony (a second viewpoint) that offer us a closer view. Take your camera and even binoculars, because from there, you can see some griffon vultures. This access to the balcony is very well prepared with a huge walkway, which allows you to go down with a stroller or wheelchair. The views in both cases, are impressive.

How to get there

Take note of this little village, Riomalo de Abajo. It is an alquiería of Caminomorisco that is really far from anywhere. Located between mountains is a paradise of tranquility and nature. Don't let the distance spoil your mood, spending a day in the area is a real pleasure. When you arrive at the village, leave the car next to the bridge, in the parking area of the natural pool. There you have a bathing area and a restaurant to eat right at the beginning of the bridge (if you go to eat, book in advance, as it is usually full on weekends). It is a good option to finish the visit to the meander and eat something on the terrace of the restaurant.


But let's get down to the nitty-gritty. You have three options:

The first is to leave the car right at the pool and walk to the viewpoint. It is a climb of about 3 km, which is very well done, because it is a cement track that goes up progressively and where all kinds of cars circulate without any problem. You will arrive a little tired, but the return trip will be very good. Nothing better than a good walk (6 km in total) to whet your appetite.


The second is to go up the first slope by car and leave the vehicle halfway, just at the crossroads of the road that goes down to the meander. The place is wide and there are always parked cars (you can't miss it). From there, it is just halfway, and we will have removed the steepest part of the road. Also highly recommended.


And the last one, you know, take the car to the viewpoint, and enjoy the views without taking a single step. Believe me, this is the one I like the least, perhaps because in addition to missing the views of the landscape that the route offers us, you will avoid doing some of that exercise that our body needs to feel comforted when we reward it with a good meal.

Walking to the Menander melero