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Mirador de la Memoria

A unique sculptural ensemble located on a hill overlooking the entire Jerte Valley.

Open map Torno (El) (Cáceres), España

Melancholic figures observing the Jerte Valley from above.

On the road up to the Torno, just 3.6km away once we left the N-630 that runs from end to end the valley of Jerte, we find this sculpture that is strategically located on a natural viewpoint. It will be rare not to find more than one vehicle parked. It is a very nice place, not only for the beauty and style of the figures (it is touching) but also for the deep views in both directions to the end of the valley and, on the other side, the reservoir to the city of Plasencia. If you do not go to the winch, it is well worth a detour and lose a few minutes to enjoy this viewpoint.

The sculptural ensemble

It is a work created by the sculptor Francisco Cedinilla Carrasco. It is a set composed of 4 life-size figures of 3 men and a woman, naked, with a melancholic aspect, observing the landscape. As an anecdote you should know that the sculpture was shot shortly after its inauguration in 2009. Impacts that can still be seen today and that are part of the work itself.

Landscape of the Jerte Valley with the four figures of the memory viewpoint.
detail of two of the figures contemplating the landscape
View of the valley floor with the memory viewpoint to our right.