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Piornal viewpoints

Wonderful viewpoint located at the entrance of Piornal, overlooking much of the Jerte Valley.

Open map Piornal (Cáceres), España

Piornal, the highest village in Extremadura

If you like, here I am going to propose in general, certain places, all related to Piornal, which have wonderful views. Piornal is the highest village in Extremadura and since you bother to climb to the top (1200 m altitude), maybe you want to take advantage of the visit and visit the different points.
My advice is to take advantage of the sunset, and now I will tell you about the different places from where you can contemplate the landscape. I would take the opportunity to bring a soda and a snack and stop for the afternoon. You have pleasant walking areas.

Piornal at sky level

This is the Mirador that you will find just at the entrance of Piornal. The views are breathtaking. And if we take advantage of the sunset, you can't even imagine. It is located next to the road so it is perfectly visible and there are many places to leave the car. It also has some benches to sit on, strategically placed to enjoy the views.


In addition to the wrought iron letters, it has a small recreation area with picnic tables and several stone huts with heather roofs that recreate old buildings in the area. Very cool to take a picture.

Magnificent views from the lookout point.

The Mistress

A little more than two kilometers away, once we have passed Piornal on the way to Garganata la Olla, we find almost on the crest of the mountain, a large woodland, dotted with huge rocky areas where we can walk and enjoy magnificent views. We can enter the area taking the track that leads to Peña Negra and walk and climb the large granite rocks (always with a little care, it is still a wilderness area and is not prepared to prevent accidents of the most clueless tourists). It is a wooded area of scrubland. The more adventurous can follow (without getting lost) some trails and areas of goat herders that can lead us to very beautiful places and fantastic views. Always with caution and without losing the orientation, of course.

Views from La Padrona
the sunset in the Jerte Valley, from Padrona de Piornal
Views of La Vera, from La Padrona de Piornal

Peña Negra

We have already talked about Peña Negra and this great rocky outcrop that we can reach following the track (2.5 km from Piornal) in other articles. We can go to the base of the rock (once the car is parked at about 500 meters (where the road ends for vehicles) and from there enjoy beautiful views. And for the more intrepid, we can climb to the top of the rock and touch the sky from this great mound. But as I said, be very careful, the climb is not prepared for tourists and there are no protections to prevent a possible fall (from above, the cliff is very dangerous). Always maximize caution.

photographer in Peña Negra, at sunset
Two people posing from the top of Peña Negra, in Piornal.