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Bird watching

The Monfragüe National Park is a must visit if you are a bird lover.

Open map Torrejón el Rubio (Cáceres), España

Monfragüe is a natural paradise, at the same time National Park, Biosphere Reserve and SPA Zone.

Monfragüe has some of the most important international recognitions: National Park, Biosphere Reserve, ZEPA Zone (special protection area for birds) and Natura 2000 area. This, together with the sustainable use and care that this natural space has had for hundreds of years, has turned Monfragüe into a natural protectorate for birds.
Today, all bird lovers know that Extremadura is a paradise for birdwatchers. And much of this fame is due to the national park of Monfragüe, which has become a place of worship for bird lovers and where we find the largest population of black vultures in Eurasia.

And to develop this practice in all its intensity we must visit, among others, El salto del Gitano and the most famous rocky outcrop of Extremadura, called Peña Falcón, the most photographed natural accident of the national park of Monfragüe and where one of the largest populations of griffon vultures in Europe nests, as well as several species of birds as unique as the black stork, the Egyptian vulture or the golden eagle, the imperial eagle, the eagle lost, etc..   But not all are large birds, there are also other species a little smaller but of great importance for the amateur ornithologist. The golden swift, the rock bunting, the solitary rock thrush, yellow-rumped warbler, bee-eaters and many others.