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Chestnut Tree Route - SL-CC-35

A short route that allows us to contemplate both the landscapes of the Jerte Valley from medium altitude and the huge chestnut trees of Casas del Castañar.

Open map Casas del Castañar (Cáceres), España

A nice walk to visit the centenary chestnut trees of the Jerte Valley.

Casas del Castañar is a small village located on the mountainside. For this reason this route can have a triple purpose. The first is to enjoy a nice walk through nature (and breathe pure mountain air). The second is to enjoy the views (many of the waypoints of the route offer a beautiful view of much of the valley). The third thing, of course, is to get to know the centenary chestnut trees with their magnificent dimensions. Surely you will take many photos.
Two more things: This route is ideal to do in autumn. The wooded landscape in some points, thanks to the color of the season, will be really evocative. We must also talk about the difficulty. At first the climb is continuous and a little tiring, but being a short route, it is nothing that anyone can not do, even the little ones or people a little older. As it is logical, everything that we go up then we have to go down. The return is very restful.
Finally, it is important to take care of this wonderful natural environment. We must try not to alter the environment or cause discomfort to the animals. In the case of the Chestnut trees, it is important not to step on or damage their roots (we will try to get as close as possible when we take a picture).

The official route

Route: Circular

Start and finish: Casas del Castañar

Markings: Green and white

Distance: 4.6 km.

Estimated time: 1h 30 minutes.

Difficulty: Low-medium


The route starts in Casas del Castañar and goes through part of the San Bernabé mountain range. After an initial climb we quickly enter a forest of deciduous trees that in autumn offers magical scenery crowned by the magnificent Chestnut trees (recognized and protected as Singular Trees), some of them up to 700 years old.


walkers through the forest along the route, among oak trees.
Person photographing nature in the forest along the route.
Children posing in front of a centennial chestnut tree.