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Mojón Blanco Route - PR-CC-14

Climbing to the top of the mountain of Piornal allows us to enjoy endless views of much of the Jerte Valley, but above all, of La Vera, which is just on the other side of the mountain.

Open map Piornal (Cáceres), España

From 1400 meters altitude, the views are magnificent.

If you enjoy the clear landscapes of high mountains, I advise you to visit this geodesic point located at about 1400 meters. The official route is circular, being this point the highest point of the route. But we can cheat if we go with small people or a little older. I tell you a little.

If we cheat. Short roundtrip route

This is a route to enjoy the views. If we approach the car to the inn (following the detour that indicates the direction of Garganta la Hoya), just past the road that is close to the hermitage of San Cristobal, not only find the road sign, but also plenty of room to leave the car. We can go up to the geodesic point and go back down to the car. This reduces the route practically by half, and allows us to visit the wolf trap and enjoy the views with half the effort.

The official route

Route: Circular

Start and finish: Piornal

Markings: Yellow and white

Distance: 14.2 km.

Estimated time: 4h 30 minutes.

Unevenness: 335 meters.


The route starts from Piornal, and is not too tiring. The vegetation is typical of these heights, with a lot of low brush and endless views. We will pass by the Hospedería (called in Piornal "La Colonia"), the hermitage of San Cristóbal and crossing the road we will take a track (following the signs) and we will see the Trampa de los Lobos (this was an area where there were many of these animals). From there we will arrive at the Mojón Blanco (the geodesic point of impressive views).


We will continue westward, passing through the granite quarry. We will arrive to the Garganta del Obispo, we cross it by the bridge of Bancaro and from there to the coperativa de Piornal. A very pleasant walk for those who enjoy hiking.